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    • CommentTimeJan 12th 2007 editado
     # 1
    Al hilo del tema de la web 3D y los juegos, llegan los Neuronet Domain Names .

    Neuronet Domain Names

    Similar to websites on the Internet, virtual reality destinations called neurosites will be visited on the Neuronet by end-users. Because end-users will need an organizing system to search for and connect with specific and chosen neurosites on the Neuronet, a Neuronet domain naming system will be created that is modeled somewhat after the Internet's domain name system. The domain name system will include Top Level Domain (TLD) extensions including '.vr' for immersive virtual reality neurosites and '.cin' for cinematic virtual reality neurosites.

    IAVRT will offer a Sunrise period during which holders of trademarks and other prior rights will be able to register their respective Neuronet domain names. After the Sunrise registration period, registration will be open to everyone.

    The Sunrise pre-registration period recently announced by IAVRT has been postponed. The Sunrise registration period will resume following several major partnership announcements in the near future and the naming of the new IAVRT Executive Director.

    ¿Qué pensáis de los .vr y .cin y de todo esto? :: el roce hace el dominio ::
  1.  # 2
    Que cuantas más extensiones haya, mejor se pagarán los .com
    • CommentTimeJan 12th 2007 editado
     # 3
    Mira lo que dicen en su website

    “The Material provided on this Website are for informational, educational and/or entertainment purposes only. IAVRT makes no warranties regarding the reliability, truthfulness, accuracy or completeness of any Materials.”

    es un scam...
    ni se les ocurra comprarles nada cuando empiecen a vender sus dominios, me suena a los al cubo.Irrational Escalation of Commitment.
    • CommentTimeJan 12th 2007
     # 4
    Imagino que nadie iba a comprar nada, no? :cool:

    A ver si algún día nos posteas algo sobre los mayores (y mejores) timos de dominios, Gus.:: el roce hace el dominio ::