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Vanilla 1.1.10 es un producto de Lussumo. Para más información: Documentación, Soporte.

    • CommentAuthorMafiay2k
    • CommentTimeJan 12th 2015 editado
     # 1

    Mucho ojito...

    The Parties exchanged correspondence regarding the disputed domain name whereby Complainant expressed "interest" and inquired as to how much Respondent was asking for it. Respondent replied with the number USD "300K." When Complainant stated that it may be willing to pay USD 25,000, Respondent declined. In the exchange, as put into the record by Complainant, Respondent noted the value of the domain name as a "generic" term, and no mention was made of any trademark rights. Respondent mentioned that he owns as many as "5,000" other domain names. Complainant put in evidence of some of these in the record, all of which appear to be dictionary words or descriptive terms.Dominios venta
  1.  # 2
    Se dá la razón al propietrio y se acusa a quien inició el wipo de intento de apropiación indebida. todo okPara cuestiones relacionadas con dominios contactar por favor a través de:
    • CommentTimeJan 12th 2015
     # 3
    The Panel also makes a finding of reverse domain name hijacking against Complainant

    • CommentTimeJan 12th 2015 editado
     # 4
    EL titulo del hilo esta al revés

    The Panel dismisses the Complaint and declines to order transfer of the disputed domain name
    • CommentAuthorMafiay2k
    • CommentTimeJan 12th 2015
     # 5
    Ok lo lei malDominios venta