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    • CommentTimeMar 9th 2007
     # 241
    Si lo dice Tolosa, así será :matu:.::Musica::. - .::Lo mejor de Paraguay::.
    • CommentTimeMar 12th 2007
     # 242
    Porcentaje de éxito de Dynadot

    We analyzed the results of the ORG Spanish IDN Launch. There were many duplicate pre-orders. The results below are for unique domain names. For example, many customers pre-ordered, but it only counts as one domain in our analysis.

    Overall Success Rate: 19.39%

    Of all the unique pre-order domains, we registered 19.39%. The other pre-order domains could not be registered for various reasons.


    We did a further analysis on the most popular domains, those with more than one pre-order.

    FAIL: Another Registrar 10.00%
    FAIL: Policy Error 4.38%
    FAIL: Country Code 8.75%
    FAIL: Legacy 65.00%
    SUCCESS 11.88%

    The domains that returned Policy, Country Code, or Legacy errors could not be registered at all. So of the domains that could be registered, we got about half and other registrars got the other half.

    Actual Success Rate: 54.29%


    A Policy Error is when the domain is not allowed by the central registry rules. For example, a lot of customers placed pre-orders for, even though that is a one character IDN, and is not allowed by this central registry. Also, several pre-orders were for domains not in Spanish.

    A Country Code failure is caused when the domain was already registered using another country code. There are several other European languages that also have accented characters, and many Spanish words were already registered using these alternative country codes.

    A Legacy Failure is caused when the domain was already registered during the first ORG IDN launch in 2001. After this 2001 launch, the ORG central registry stopped allowing IDN registrations for a while to work out technical issues. But registrants were allowed to keep most domains that they had registered.


    We did not do a breakdown of the domains that only received one pre-order. But we suspect that the actual success rate for these domains, taking out the Policy, Country Code, and Legacy errors, would be even higher than 54%.

    [This post has been edited by dynadot_staff on Mar 12, 2007 12:37pm.]

    Suena a noche electoral, en la que todos ganan, nadie pierde.:: el roce hace el dominio ::
    • CommentAuthorkurtz
    • CommentTimeMar 12th 2007
     # 243
    a llegar tarde como se le llama? :bostezo:
  1.  # 244
    De 88 pre-registros en Dynadot, a mi me dieron 26!!!! Pero todos los duplicados con entorno, se los llevó Entorno.Parlamentos <> Mis Dominios <> Jordi <> Herbodietética en Tarragona
    • CommentTimeMar 12th 2007
     # 245
    No se comieron nada, no saben como explicar que tiene técnicos un poco malos...
  2.  # 246
    Yo dediqué 280 dólares, y tras las capturas me abonaron 280 dolares, un atajo de ineptos.La Naranjería
    • CommentTimeMar 12th 2007
     # 247
    Yo los estoy recompensando con continuas catas. :cata::: el roce hace el dominio ::
    • CommentAuthorcarles
    • CommentTimeMar 12th 2007
     # 248
    Yo no conseguí nada con dynadot, pero bueno, ahora tengo crédito que por alguna extraña
    razón ha hecho que empiece a catar dominios...

    Para la próxima habrá que apuntar donde los cañones de tolosa... :eyebrows:

    Por cierto, el 19% de éxito de dynadot lo cuentan en base a dominios únicos, supongo que si en vez de por
    dominios lo contaran por pre-registros el % sería de escándalo...