Vanilla 1.1.10 es un producto de Lussumo. Para más información: Documentación, Soporte.
Posted By: crakupPues sí, excelente asociación, aunque no entiendo por qué cambió el propietario en el
Posted By: AlejandroGarciaPensé que Rami era mujer, siempre que veía Rami Schwartz en los whois me imaginaba a un ser con falda. Que nombre más gay.Calidad > Cantidad
Posted By: waltsandesgraciados domineros... deberia ser de un mexicano!
el es mexicano
Posted By: paguilarInsulto para Chena hahaha.
Por ahí anda otro domainer bueno, un tal Vaunter hahaha y bueni he visto dominios buenos de un tal Ramiro Portillo.OnceniñÑÍ
Posted By: wellingtonEl desarollo de es lamentable o soy yo ?
“”Latin American Telecom LLC (LATELCO), a Delaware corporation with principal offices in Pittsburgh, Pa. and Mexico City announced today that it has submitted an application to the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) for the Top Level Domain (TLD) of “.TUBE”Domains-for-sale pasean y vean
“One of the key objectives of adopting a gTLD is to give people and corporations worldwide the opportunity of registering domain names that are more personalized, easier to brand and more capable of building online presence and enhance user experience.”
“The term “Tube” has become the most accepted synonym for “video online.” What originated in Britain as slang for television has been adopted by Internet users worldwide, independent of their native language, to identify projects where uploaded videos play a considerable role in the user experience. Sites like,,, or have established communities of user generated video content to connect people with shared interests.
With the option of powerful new domain names, the use of a generic, descriptive word, or branded term, combined with the suffix “tube”, developers will easily and immediately convey a site’s mission and purpose to users. There are thousands of *** sites that currently exist and follow this business method of selecting a clear, common word identifier to capture the power of the “generic brand name” and add to it the suffix Very soon the owners of will be presented with the opportunity to opt for Comedy.Tube.
The market trend indicates that the term “Tube” is being adopted by webmasters, programmers, companies, investors and consumers around the globe, and is widely associated with websites where content in video format play a central role, where consumers and users with a common/shared interest in mainstream contents create communities or affiliate with such sites.
LATELCO wishes to pioneer the development of a gTLD that provides “TUBERS” with the domain infrastructure to launch “TUBE” sites. By doing so, we hope to restore a bit of the Internet’s original intent of having gTLD’s in the first place. We will position the .TUBE gTLD as the choice for sites where visual video content play a central role. We believe the term .TUBE will explode when users begin to feed contents from their mobile phones into the Internet, when they begin to livecast themselves.
We fully understand that gTLD’s are critical pieces of internet infrastructure, we are prepared to operate our gTLD in a manner that supports the security and stability of the world wide web and provides for additional innovation
Posted By: crakupRefloto el hilo 10 años después porque parece que ahora sí hubo movimiento.
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