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    • CommentTimeApr 19th 2010
     # 1
    Hoy me ha llegado el siguiente correo:

    Dear Affiliate Partner,

    With this e-mail we would like to inform you that the Zylom affiliate program you are using will stop on the 30th of April 2010.
    This is due to the fact that RealGames is transferring to a new platform which will not support the affiliate program anymore.

    What does this mean for you?
    You have to make sure all the content regarding our Zylom games will be removed from your site, as well as marketing assets like banners and other links to our games.
    It’s important you do this before the 30th of April as of then the games won’t be working anymore and this will be a bad user experience for your visitors.

    On the new platform we will not support a new program like the affiliate program.

    Please make sure all you bank details are filled in correctly on your affiliate account (
    You will receive the final statement regarding April (if there were purchases in this month) by the end of May. Payments will be done by the end of June.
    Notice that also amounts under the minimum of 50 Euros will be paid.

    Our apologies for these unforeseen circumstances.

    If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

    Kind regards,

    Sanne Crooymans
    Account executive

    Les aviso por que se que muchos en el foro están afiliados.

    La verdad es que se me hace una mala pasada lo que están haciendo, ya que ahora que han cogido fama, mandan a tomar por el cu... a los afiliados. Por eso siempre hay que ver si vale o no la pena darse de alta con sitios de PPA :matu:
