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Posted By: epsilonCidoncha, me interesa tu opinion de lo que puexe pasar el 1 de agosto. Podrias arriezgar algun pronostico? Ya sea basado en informacion o pura especulación me parecen interesantes tus opinionesAntes era kifman... ahora soy Epsilon... y recomiendo jugarAjedrez por email
Posted By: ignatius¿Hay que hacer algo para estar seguro de 'quedarse en el lado bueno'?
Posted By: Die Beste“mantener la calma, mantener bitcoins sin conexión y no vender ninguno de ellos”
Posted By: Die Bestemantener bitcoins sin conexión
Posted By: ignatiuscomo sabes que estás 'en el lado bueno del fork'?
en el caso de llevarse a cabo un hardfork existen ciertos riesgos. Este es un cambio un tanto drástico del código, por lo que se abre la posibilidad de algunos errores o hackeos como el ataque de repetición, en el que una transmisión de datos válida es repetida de forma maliciosa, lo que, en el caso de las criptomonedas, podría originar un doble gasto: el hacker se aprovecharía de que existen dos blockchain para reproducir en ambas sus fondos y gastar varias veces las mismas criptomonedas.Offline
Por otro lado, está el riesgo de una bifurcación accidental, donde la cadena vuelve a dividirse por un error en la actualización y sólo la nueva bifurcación es considerada como válida, dejando en el limbo las transacciones que se realicen en la versión anterior y por tanto abriendo la posibilidad de que los usuarios pierdan sus fondos. Esto ya le ocurrió a Bitcoin en 2013, aunque, por fortuna, sólo se tuvo que regresar a la versión anterior y no hubo pérdidas.
Es por ello que al umbral de una bifurcación dura, las casas de cambio pueden decidir congelar todas las transacciones hasta estabilizar la red.
Posted By: ignatiusno hay riesgo de perderlos?
Posted By: ignatiusHay alguna elección que hacer?
I'm sure many of you have heard chatter about a Bitcoin fork. Whilst some may have a good understanding of what this means, there are probably many of you that are a little confused. I will try my best to provide some clarity on the matter.Domains-for-sale pasean y vean
Essentially, there are two possibilities, a hard fork or a soft fork. Before I explain the difference, let us address the reason for the fork in the first place.
The current Bitcoin environment is unable to cope with the massive influx of users, which has led to issues with slow transaction speeds. During Bitcoin’s infancy, this was not a problem, the infrastructure worked perfectly fine without any major delays. Over the past few years, Bitcoin has made massive strides in terms of “real life” usage with many businesses accepting Bitcoin payments and we are even able to draw cash from an ATM with a Bitcoin Debit card. In order for Bitcoin to survive and continue to grow, the issue of slow transaction speeds must be addressed. The only way for this problem to be resolved is by increasing the size of the current blockchain. Doing so requires modification of the code. This is where the Bitcoin fork comes into play.
A hard fork is a software upgrade that requires everyone in the Bitcoin community (nodes, miners and wallets) to upgrade to ensure compatibility. Should this happen then all is well and the upgrade will happen without any deviations. However should a considerable size of the community decide not to upgrade, then this will lead to a split. Resulting in two separate versions of Bitcoin. Bitcoin Core and Bitcoin Ultimate, this is basically what happened with Ethereum which is why we now have Ethereum (ETH) and Ethereum Classic (ETC).
A soft fork is a software upgrade where only the miners have to upgrade. Wallets, exchanges and nodes don’t have to upgrade. At the moment it seems like a soft fork called Segwit (Segregated Witness) is what many folks are pushing for. Going the soft fork route does not necessarily mean that there won’t be a split. As a soft fork with minority hash rate will lead to a hard fork, and result in a split. Only a soft fork with majority hash rate will not result in a split.
Whilst some people in the Bitcoin community are in favor of a split some of the industry titans like Vinny Lingham are totally against it, I agree with his reasoning that a split would dilute the strong brand that Bitcoin currently enjoys.
What will happen remains a mystery, the likelihood is that Segwit will be implemented on a soft fork and Bitcoin will remain a single coin without a split. This seems to be the most favored option from the Bitcoin community. However, anything is possible and only time will tell.
Disclaimer: The above references an opinion and is for information purposes only. It is not intended to be investment advice. Seek a duly licensed professional for investment advice.
Disclosure: The author has positions in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.
Posted By: Antonio PrecedoEstá con Segwit2x casi el 90%, no Segwit.
Segwit2x es Segwit + aumento de bloques (este aumento de bloques que se daría a finales de año es lo que puede hacer que haya un hardfork... depende de los involucrados) y Segwit a secas es segwit sin aumento de bloques (softfork).
La hoja de ruta es esta: antiguo nick era losmejoresbonos
Posted By: Domo Sapiensbasado en eso...cuando comprarias? ese dia o?
Posted By: Domo SapiensNo decias primero que esperar a la bomba de agosto 1, luego que siempre no... esperar hasta Noviembre y ahora ...?
To ensure the safety of customers’ funds, we will temporarily suspend BTC deposits, withdrawals, and buy/sell starting approximately 4 hours before activation of either fork.
If you do not wish to have access to UAHF coins, and do not wish to access your BTC during the fork, you are not required to take any action.
If you do wish to have access to UAHF coins or access your BTC during the fork, you should send your BTC from Coinbase to your external address by July 31.