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It appears that the Overture Tool, a favorite among domainers, is about to be closed down by Yahoo. The tool has been getting slower and slower over the past weeks and will probably be shut down in a few ||
Eventually, Yahoo will come up with a new tool as a replacement. But what alternatives are available right now?
1) Google Trends
Google Trends doesn't provide actual search numbers and is useful only if you're comparing two or more popular terms with each other.
2) MSN adCenter Labs Keyword Forecast (MSN Keyword Tool)
The MSN Keyword Tool shows data even for highly unpopular terms. For domaining purposes it's our favorite of the two. In fact, it's
a domainer's dream! Be sure to check it out.
(One caveat: Ignore the predictions. For example, enter "bird flu" and you'll see that the MSN Keyword Tool predicts an imminent
resurgence of the bird flu hysteria based on last year's search data for "bird flu".)
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