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    • CommentTimeFeb 5th 2007 editado
     # 1
    Venga leyendo en parece que en la prensa de India tambien aumenta el interes por los dominios como una gran inversión.

    Nota: Aunque se que muchos demenitas están tambien suscritos a, reposteo articulos interesantes porque talvez ustedes y yo le conocemos, pero el 99.99% de los visitantes o personas nuevas al domaining no. Asi que al postear articulos en Demene, contarán con un archivo de artículos que pueden leer para aprender sobre el domaining.

    Best investments for the next ten years – Domain Names, Farm Land and Cash in the Bank

    The biggest question for the smart investors is what will be the best investment in the next ten years? In last ten years it was oil, metals, S&P 500 and residential real estate. There is no reason to believe that the history will repeat for these four again. As a matter of fact, these four can slump like never before.

    Socks will go down because of economy and its debt burden. Metals will lose its lustier because of supply demand relationship and burst of bubble. Alternatives are replacing oil and better technologies will find more oil in the ocean. The biggest reason for oil’s slump in price is the coming Great Depression of Asia. India and China will require very little oil as they experience double-digit contraction. Residential real estate is in trouble because of the mortgage debt burden. In addition, the Federal budget deficit, social security burden and medicare promises is slowly and steadily getting shifted to property taxes. Property taxes will quadruple in the next ten to twenty years seaking the fate for residential real estate.

    Then where can one invest? Smart money is looking at three things. Domain names, Farm Land and Cash in the Bank. A fortune will be made buying and selling domain names. Buying domain names for cheap and then flipping the same to an interested buyer is picking up heat. Investors are making hundreds of thousands of dollars making money buying and selling domain names.

    The Farm Land will appreciate heavily. The farm land is virtually real estate tax exempt in many states. The real estate tax on Farmland is very low. In addition price of Wheat, Corn, Soybean, Oat, Rice will quadruple in the next ten years due to climate changes, drought and excess demand from alternative fuel requirements. The Farm output will be something people will like. The farmland all over the country will appreciate slowly and steadily while residential real estate (developments, condos, town homes and non-farm single family homes) will fall in price.

    If one does not want to get involved in Domain names or Farmland, the other choice is keeping cash in the bank. Smart people will try their best to get debt free and then keep their cash in the bank in CDs. Think about this – if the economy goes south three percent per year, and you make one percent in the bank – you have preserved your capital. After ten years, your buying power has increased by 50% (compounded).

    Fuente: ||
    • CommentTimeFeb 5th 2007
     # 2
    O sea que hay que hacerse granjeros-domineros.:: el roce hace el dominio ::
  1.  # 3
    Yo ya me he pedido el sombrero de paja y los pantalones "bombachos"....La Naranjería
  2.  # 4
    Yo estoy acabando la cerca para los IDN's, es que son muy rebeldes.

    Y a los .es les he preparado un porqueriza.Parlamentos <> Mis Dominios <> Jordi <> Herbodietética en Tarragona
  3.  # 5
    Entonces de los .es lo aprovecharás todo no ???....La Naranjería
  4.  # 6
  5.  # 7
    • CommentTimeFeb 5th 2007
     # 8
    Sigue "reposteando", incluso para los que conocemos dailydomainer, etc. nos es muy util la seleccion que nos haces
    • CommentTimeFeb 5th 2007
     # 9
    Posted By: DomineroSocks will go down because of economy and its debt burden.

    Estoy de acuerdo, invertir en calcetines dejara de ser un gran negocio:bigsmile::bigsmile::bigsmile::bigsmile:
    • CommentTimeFeb 5th 2007 editado
     # 10

    M... Y yo acabo de pedir un millón de estos a China.

    :: el roce hace el dominio ::
    • CommentTimeFeb 5th 2007
     # 11
    Ja Ja Ja.. :bigsmile:
  6.  # 12
    Un piano calcetín....La Naranjería
    • CommentTimeFeb 5th 2007
     # 13
    te compro cuatro pares, Corso
    • CommentTimeFeb 5th 2007
     # 14
    Posted By: ovidiuste compro cuatro pares, Corso

    Gracias, tío... Me has salvado la inversión. :devil::: el roce hace el dominio ::
      CommentAuthorJordi Planas
    • CommentTimeFeb 5th 2007 editado
     # 15
    Osea, compras un millón, vendes 4, y... ¿cubres la inversión?

    Eres un crack!!!Parlamentos <> Mis Dominios <> Jordi <> Herbodietética en Tarragona
    • CommentTimeFeb 5th 2007
     # 16
    Agradéceselo al Gran Timonel.:: el roce hace el dominio ::
    • CommentTimeFeb 5th 2007
     # 17
    Conversacion secuestrada ||
    • CommentTimeFeb 5th 2007
     # 18
    Corso, te la cargaste...
    :tongue:Irrational Escalation of Commitment.
    • CommentAuthorPepewindows
    • CommentTimeFeb 5th 2007 editado
     # 19
    :angry: volvamos al tema....La Naranjería
    • CommentTimeFeb 5th 2007
     # 20
    :cry::: el roce hace el dominio ::
    • CommentTimeFeb 5th 2007
     # 21
    ¿Sobre qué era el hilo?
    ¿Calcetines?Irrational Escalation of Commitment.
    • CommentAuthorkurtz
    • CommentTimeFeb 5th 2007
     # 22
    comentando sobre las granjas de pianos sin avisar ? :devil:
    • CommentTimeFeb 5th 2007
     # 23
    Y luego me llamais a mi fumeta.. :tongue:Sobres de azúcar
  7.  # 24